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Getting to know Ryan Ashton

I also try to prepare them mentally for the games, as well as for what happens afterwards.


Ryan Ashton is a committed hockey coach and family man, and wants to help grow hockey in Springs player by player.
Ashton currently coaches the Eastern Gauteng Men’s team and plays for the 45-50 SA Masters hockey team.
Where did you grow up?
In Springs and I have been here most of my life. I went to Strubenvale Primary School and matriculated from Springs Boys High School.
How did you get involved in hockey?
I played all sorts of sports at school and I really loved playing cricket and rugby.
My hockey career only really began in Grade Eight.
My brother played for the first team and I soon joined them and it’s been a great passion of mine ever since.
What motivates you as a player?
My faith as a Christian has always been an important part of my life.
Family is always important to me as well.
I love my wife and my children and I really want to make them proud.
How long have you been coaching the Eastern Gauteng Men’s team?
Since 2016 with Jason Voigt. The two of us have worked very hard to build the team and we managed to finish fourth place overall at the SA Country Districts last year.

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What unique skills do you have as a coach that have helped the team get so far?
I think the fact that I’m a player myself allows me to come in with a unique perspective.
I can coach them from a players perspective which I think helps their game a lot.
Other than that I also enjoy one-on-one training with my players and help them improve in specific parts of their game.
I also try to prepare them mentally for the games, as well as for what happens afterwards.
When playing at such a high level, the pressure can be immense and you need to be mentally prepared to deal with that kind of stress.
What hobbies do you have outside of hockey?
I used to run a lot but I can’t do too much of that anymore when I’m playing hockey.
Cycling has always been a huge passion of mine as well.

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