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SANBS asks for your donation

SANBS anticipating blood supply shortages

As the winter chill starts to intensify, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is anticipating critical blood supply shortages.

At a time when people are focused on staying warm and avoiding contracting the Covid-19 infection, little concern is available for much else.

We are hoping, however, that donors who are due to donate are able to find the time to make a difference to the lives of others by donating blood.

Also read:
SANBS needs your blood to save a life

“We anticipate added pressure on the blood supply due to the cold temperatures and the added effects of the Covid-19 outbreak could see the number of eligible donors decrease significantly,” says Silungile Mlambo, chief marketing officer at SANBS.

The safety of donors, staff and overall South African community are of utmost importance to the SANBS and extensive precautionary measures have been taken to ensure donor safety.

All persons accessing donor clinics are thoroughly screened and anyone exhibiting flu-like symptoms or symptoms of infections is advised to delay donation until they are well.

Blood donation is still safe during this time and persons confirmed with Covid-19 infection or at risk will be deferred from donation as follows:

• Individuals who have traveled overseas will be deferred for 28 days from date of return from these countries.

• Individuals with confirmed diagnosis with Covid-19 infection will be deferred for 28 days from date of complete clearance of symptoms.

• Individuals who have had close contact with anyone with confirmed or probable Covid-19 infection will be deferred for 28 days from last date of contact.

• Anyone exhibiting flu-symptoms on day of donation will be deferred for seven days.

Also read:

SANBS has a blood donation drive

“The imminent shortages pose a real danger to the healthcare systems in our country.

“So, please help us avoid potential blood shortages over the next few months and help those in need.

“Your blood saves lives,” Mlambo concludes.

It is important to note that individuals are not at risk of contracting Covid-19 through the blood donation process, or via a blood transfusion since respiratory viruses are generally not known to be transmittable by donation or transfusion.

To be eligible to donate blood, you need to:

• Be free of any cold and flu symptoms.

• Be between the ages of 16 and 75.

• Weigh more than 50kg.

• Be in good health.

• Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient.

• Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Contact 0800 11 9031 to find out where you can donate.

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