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Hope and Halos win Good Citizen

Founders Louise Mawhinney and Liz Rogers received their award at Springs Mall on last Wednesday morning.

Hope and Halos was voted Springs Good Citizen for February.

Founders Louise Mawhinney and Liz Rogers received their award at Springs Mall on last Wednesday morning.

“Since, Hope and Halos has been assisting families and animals in need.

“The amount of poverty that we have seen since we started is shocking.

“And you don’t realise how blessed you are until you see how very little other people live on.

“Instead of complaining about what you don’t have, be grateful for what you have,” explains Louise.

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Springs Good Citizen for January announced

She says that their organisation is not big enough to help everyone, but they identify families that could benefit from their donations.

They run Hope and Halos in their spare time.

“We also assist the SPCA and animal shelters, as much as we can.”

Hope and Halos provide groceries, clothing and blankets for households for no more than three consecutive months.

“We also do not want them to be completely dependent on us, but to forge a way forward in that three months,” adds Liz.

They use their resources to help job seekers to type CVs, and even send out applications.

“We never give people cash donations, but we get them what they need.

And we are transparent to donors.

Also read:

Springs Good Citizen of the year announced

“Our books are open for them to see what we do with the money.

“We do it for the love of our community.

“We would not be able to do what we do, and help so many people without the efforts of the people of Springs,” she adds.

For any contributions, see their Facebook page, Hope and Halos, or Whatsapp Louise on 0824631891

0765628196 for Liz.

Each month the winner will receive a R1 000 cash prize, and an interview with the Springs Advertiser to inspire others.

They will also received vouchers from the Springs Mall.

Nominations for the Good Citizen Award must be posted to @I Love Springs’ Facebook page before the 25th of each month.

All nominations received will be posted as a poll on the I Love Springs page so that the public can vote for the winner.

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