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Veritas College celebrates 100 per cent pass rate

There were 51 learners who wrote the final exams and they attained 71 distinctions.

Veritas College achieved a 100 per cent pass rate and a 96 per cent Degree Pass (University Entrance) in the 2019 Independent Examinations Board (IEB) exams.

The IEB results were released in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

There were 51 learners who wrote the final exams and they attained a total of71 distinctions between them.

Kian Crafford: “Get a plan and stick to the plan. Stay calm because I’ve seen a lot of people let their nerves get the better of them.”

Acting Head of the Senior School Judy Achary, says while matric is the final chapter in the epic story of school education, it is only the beginning of exciting new adventures to come.

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Veritas prove to be the best in the country

“We would like to thank each and every one of our dedicated staff members, from our pre-preparatory, preparatory and senior school phases, for the commitment and passion with which they approach each day, and for always inspiring our learners to be the heroes of their own stories.

“Teachers, you are magnificent!

“I would also like to thank all our parents and families for their endless support in ensuring that our students reach their full potential.”

Fabio Pellizzon: Have faith in yourself. There will be some dark moments in your matric year, fair warning. Only you will be able to get yourself through it.”

The IEB matric pass for the class of 2019 is 98.82 per cent, a slight decrease from last year’s pass rate of 98.92 per cent. All candidates, nationally, who passed the IEB exams achieved a pass that is good enough to enter tertiary study at one of the three levels:

• 89.51 per cent (compared to 90.65 per cent in 2018) of the cohort achieved entry to degree study.

• 7.91 per cent (compared to 7.33 per cent in 2018) qualified for entry to diploma study.

• 1.4 per cent (compared to 0.95 per cent in 2018) achieved entry for study at the Higher Certificate level.

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11 818 full-time and 779 part-time candidates from 227 examination centres across Southern Africa wrote the IEB examinations in October and November 2019.

Rogan Uys: “I think the best thing is to just stay on top of your work and get it done as soon as you get it. Time management in matric is a major thing, there’s a lot of work to get done.”

Other results

This is an increase from 2018 when there were 11 514 full-time candidates and 858 part-time candidates.

The results of Springs’ schools which offered the National Senior Certificate exams will feature in next week’s paper as these results had not been release when this issue went to print.

Leonah Marewangepo: “I think the biggest thing is time management. If you can’t manage your time well, you’re not going to cope. You need to allocate a specific amount of time to each subject, don’t focus on one.”

The Addie will also print the details of all IEB and NSC candidates who achieved four or more distinctions, excluding life orientation, in next week’s paper and ask that anyone who would like to be featured in this issue contact our offices on 011 812 4800 or email news editor Siphokazi Zama on sipjokaziz@caxton.co.za

You should include your name, school and the subjects in which you achieved your distictions.

We would also like to know what your plans are for 2020 and require a JPEG photo (at least 1mb in size) to be attached to your email.

Claudia Katsapas: “Keep on top of your work and don’t let it backlog. Do it as soon you get it.”

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