
OPINION: 15% VAT? I don’t think so…

February 14, a day to remember... thanks to our ex-president.

Waking up on February 14 was probably one of the most memorable moments I have had in a long time.

And no, not for any reason relating to what is known as Valentine’s Day, which I think is the biggest joke on this planet, well… second biggest, after Mr Zuma’s spectacular failure of the pronunciation of numbers.

Still makes me smile when I think about it and makes me thankful for my mother forcing me to go to school.

No, my euphoria came with the news of our ex-president’s resignation.

Best break-up imaginable.

My happiness increased with the election and swearing in of our new president, Cyril Ramaphosa.

The changes that this man has already made in our country were phenomenal, even if they were just a start, we were/are getting somewhere.

My bubble was dramatically burst upon listening to the budget speech given by the minister of finance Malusi Gigaba.

Most of the babble, I’ll admit, sounded half okay to me.

Then we get to the possible increase of VAT.

I know many will argue with me, but I am not very impressed with this proposal.

The cost of living is already so incredibly high, add one per cent of tax to everything you buy and that amount will reach new heights.

Mister finance minister, I understand your predicament of having to maintain public finances, with free education and all that mounting to a rather large sum.

But most of us, as average consumers and citizens, have already tightened our belts to the point of cutting off circulation to our lower bodies and risking loss of limbs.

Seriously, you walk out of a shop, with the bare necessities in hand, which can be carried with two or three plastic bags, but costs R1 000 and up.

And up.

These being the operative words.

Everything is up, fuel constantly goes up, with the rare decrease of 0.000001 per cent (not factually correct, but trying to make a point).

Food gets more expensive by the day (also not factually correct, but it really feels like it).

I don’t much care about the fact that alcohol and cigarettes are getting more expensive (I lie), but that is something I consider as a luxury now.

And also more incentive to quit that bad habit.

At least one place where the belt can be tightened a little more, I guess, so long as you don’t sever your nether regions from your torso.

It really is getting impossible to cut down on anything these days, most people already live with just the bare necessities.

Sad thing is, we won’t really be able to stop the increase, will we?


On the upside:

One way to possibly get around this and spend a considerable amount less at the tills is to grow your own vegetables.

You’ll be surprised at how easy and cost-effective this actually is. It just needs attention.

You don’t even need a big space.

Start off with buying small, cheap plastic containers and growing your own herbs and spices.

Again – just TLC needed.

If the growing starts and you can’t keep up anymore, don’t throw it away or eat more just because it’s there, start selling.

Even if it’s R2.

It’s R2 you didn’t have and, if saved, can amount to an even greater number.

Some food for thought…

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