
Not always as great as it appears

I recently read a fiction novel on people living on Mars and how fascinated they are with earth.

Then I read posts on social media about how people will basically sell their soul to go live on Mars.

What a conundrum …

People are so enchanted by the idea of living on another planet, such as Mars, and the idea of discovering the unknown.

How long will this fascination last though?

Imagine it … you taking off to an entirely new and different planet, and yeah, while even I could agree that the journey would be incredible, how long will that last?

You get to this red planet covered in red dust and almost zero oxygen, with two beautiful moons hovering in the darkness above.

You have this high-tech little abode you live in which comes with all the gadgets and stuff you may need.

And when you step outside, you have this cool suit you wear and gravity boots and whatever ever else you may need to not float off the face of the planet because the gravitational force is so much lower than earth’s.

Thing is, though, this little suit keeps you alive.

Try stepping out of your pod without your headgear?

You will be constantly enclosed by something that is keeping you alive.

You don’t get to step outside your door with a cup of coffee in hand and take a deep, oxygen-filled breath.

You don’t get to gaze upon green trees or birds flying and chirping wherever you go.

No dams or rivers to go fishing or just relax in the sun.

You won’t feel grass underneath your feet and between your toes.

You’ll feel cold.

And in my case, claustrophobic because you can’t experience the great outdoors without something over your head … literally.

You will probably grow bored after a week of gazing at nothing but the exact same red, dust-covered craters around you.

All of this has got me thinking, why not explore your own planet?

Why not be curious about the countless unknown mysteries on our beautiful, life-covered earth?

Everyone is so curious about the exotic, the foreign, that they forget the wonders of what they have.

I’ll truly feel pity for the person living on Mars and not being able to take a deep breath outside, free of any enclosures.

Then I’ll be spiteful and take an extra deep breath because even though they won’t be able to see me, I’ll relish the fact that I can do so, freely.

We want to build up a new planet where life is unlikely on its own, but we let ours die a slow death (referring to global warming or any other kind of apocalyptic crisis we may face).

In the novel I read, this Martian girl dreams about the beauty of earth and the simplest things such as rain …

While we may get annoyed with rain now and again because it messes up some or other plans.

I’ll admit, it’s amazing to gaze up at the stars and wonder what’s out there, but I’m not prepared to give up what I have to venture into the unknown.

Don’t take the little things for granted because when it’s not there anymore, you ask yourself, ‘why?’

Don’t look down on what you have, it may not be perfect, but it’s yours.

Food for thought.

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