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Zaden’s pressure garment not helping much

Zaden is still feeling discomfort and the garment is not helping much.

Burn victim Zaden Green (3) recently received his pressure garment, which his parents, Caren and Henna, were told would relieve some of their son’s discomfort after her suffered burns to almost 35 per cent of his body last year.

However, the garment has failed to live up to their expectations as it has been made far too big for the tiny boy.

Also read: Zaden’s pressure garment will improve comfort

When manufactured to fit correctly, the stretched material applies pressure on the scars, stimulating the skin and improving comfort.

According to Caren, they have been told the garment is an important component for her son’s rehabilitation programme.

However, the garment that was recently made at the Chris Baragwanath Hospital is far to big for her son’s tiny body.

When they visited the hospital, measurements were taken of his lower body and legs and the garment was made there and then.

Also read: Zaden will spend more time in hospital

However, the garment had to be tailored three times in an effort to get a better fit but it was still too big.

“It kept falling off and eventually I was told to have another garment made in Heidelberg,” says Caren.

The garment looks like long pants and stretches up to his armpits.

Zaden should wear it permanently, but he takes it off during the day because it falls off all the time.

During his check-up in March, his physiotherapist informed Caren that at the age of 10, with the help of the pressure garment, Zaden’s scars will almost be invisible.

“She told us Zaden needs the garment which will help him with his discomfort when the skin stretches as he gets older,” says Caren.

She says they will probably have a new garment made in January.

Caren and Henna have been through a lot over the past year, since their son suffered severe burns when their home in Casseldale caught fire.

The boy has had to undergo four skin grafts since the accident and his mother takes him for regular check-ups.

Zaden’s toes, as well as his right thumb, are still not straight and he has to wear a splint on his right hand to straighten his thumb.

“All we want is for Zaden to be comfortable, but we feel the current garment serves no purpose,” says Caren.

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