
House robbers assault victims

Stolen vehicle found near Zincor in Struisbult.

Five suspects assaulted their victims during a house robbery in Mossie Street, Daggafontein, at 8.10pm on Saturday.

One of the victims went outside to feed his dog when an armed suspect pointed a gun at his head.

He was pushed back into the house with the suspects following him.

According to Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora, there were five men, three women and two children aged three and four years in the house at the time of the robbery.

All the victims were ordered to lie down on their stomachs and were tied up with shoelaces and charger cables.

A 31-year-old victim claims three of the suspects were armed with firearms, while two were armed with gwalas (crowbars).

Ramphora says the suspects threw blankets over the victims’ heads.

“One of the suspects pulled down one of the victim’s swimming shorts and pushed a lighter in his anus,” says Ramphora.

During the robbery the five men were assaulted by the robbers, who demanded the keys to a Kia Sportage.

The robbers loaded all the stolen goods, including TVs and cellphones, into the Kia before speeding off.

Ramphora says the victims managed to untie themselves and called the neighbours for help.

The vehicle was recovered near Zincor in Struisbult later that evening.

Ramphora says although one of the suspects fired a shot during the robbery, no one was injured.

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