
Road sign has spelling error

Pollak Park has now acquired a new name, “Polla Park”, with the section name being incorrectly spelled.

Located on the corner of Springs West Road and Tonk Meter Drive, is a road sign on which the suburb name has been spelled incorrectly.

The sign, which is written “Polla Park” instead of “Pollak Park”, has left residents bemused as to why the municipality would leave such errors for so long.

“Not only does this affect us but it is rather embarrassing that nothing has been done until now,” says Pollak Park resident, Millicent Mehana.

“If we as the community are confused, then one can only imagine how confused non-residents will be if they get lost when coming to the area.”

Ward councillor Thulane Simelane says he wasn’t aware of the error because it had not been reported to him.

“Usually when there’s a problem in the section, it has to reported. I will then escalate it to the relevant department.

Simelane says he is glad the error has been brought to his attention and said the matter will be escalated.

The metro had not yet offered a comment at the time of publishing.

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