
DVD review: Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them

Although this movie comes from the pen of JK Rowling, don't expect another Harry Potter movie.

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times New Media

Once again the movie centres around the magical world but, in this film, the creatures are more central to the plot than the people.

Set in 1926 New York, Newt Scamander arrives in the city looking to return one of the beasts contained in his suitcase to its natural habitat.

Much like Mary Poppins’ carpet bag, Newt’s case is infinitely deep and contains myriad magical creatures and fantastical worlds, which the viewer meets when he, and the friends he makes along the way, climb into the suitcase.

Newt intends to arrive, replace the creature and leave New York with as little fuss as possible but, owing to a No-Maj (American for muggle), his magical suitcase and the ensuing escape of some of his creatures, this is not to be.

While the story line is interesting, it seems a little like a watered down version of the fantasy and magic seen in the Harry Potter franchise.

There is really very little magic and the baddy really doesn’t live up to the evil one has come to expect from Rowling’s anti-heros.

Percival Graves offers no threat or competition for Voldermort, but his magic is still a challenge for Newt who clearly has none of Harry’s talent.

That said, Rowlings’ fans are sure to enjoy her American venture into the world of Maj and No-Maj, so long as the check their expectations and preconceived notions at the door.

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