
DVD review: The Accountant

Christian Wolff is a mathematics savant with more of an affinity for numbers than people.

Reviewed by: Samantha Keogh

Review made possible by: Times Media Films

Using a small-town CPA office as a cover, he makes his living as a freelance accountant for dangerous criminal organisations.

With a Treasury agent hot on his heels, Christian takes on a state-of-the-art robotics company as a legitimate client.

However, as he gets closer to the truth about a discrepancy that involves millions of dollars at the company, the body count starts to rise putting both his life and that of the accountant who originally found the problem, at risk.

Christian must work fast to finish solving the puzzle before him and save both their lives.

This is a fascinating look at the the workings of Christian’s mind and the lengths he goes to to protect a friend, despite having a life-long difficulty dealing with social interactions.

A true psychological thriller, which forces the audience to follow every action and reaction, The Accountant is an excellent film, which requires your full attention to catch all the subtle nuances which lead to Christian solving the problem and coming out unscathed.

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