
Twenty-seven vehicles confiscated in Springs

The EMPD By-law Enforcement Unit in conjunction with Urban Management officials confiscated 27 vehicles during an operation in Springs last Friday.

The officials embarked on a special operation targeting illegal mechanics and car dealers operating from sidewalks and intersections without authorisation.

EMPD spokesman Wilfred Kgasago says these people display their vehicles for sale on public roads, repair vehicles on sidewalks and use their residential space to spray-paint and panel-beat vehicles.

“We identified the hot-spots last Monday and on Friday the law enforcers swooped on their targets where a total of 110 vehicles were towed away,” says Kgasago.

Read: EMPD arrest six suspects for possession of stolen vehicles

The hot-spots identified were along Ermelo Road and Lewis Avenue in Strubenvale, Third Avenue, CBD as well as in Springs and Nigel roads where 27 vehicles were impounded.

“Any outdoor advertising or displaying of vehicles on our public roads and engaging in vehicle repairs in areas not zoned for business without approval is an offence.

“The EMPD shall not hesitate to come down heavily on those who commit such offences,” says Kgasago.

Read: Three vehicles recovered from R2-million theft

No arrests have been made but fines and written warnings were issued to all the illegal car dealers and mechanics.

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