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Four day juniour golf clinic

The Johannes Geldenhuys Golf Academy held a four-day juniour golf clinic during the school holidays at the Springs Country Club.

At the prize-giving held on Friday the following prizes were handed out:

Tyron Nell (11) won the nine-hole, Zhaar Taljaard (9) the four-hole, and the one-hole was won by Marco Deysel (5).

“The most important element to being successful is to practise and to listen to your coach,” says Geldenhuys to his students.

Read: Gholfkliniek op hande

He says the goal of the clinic is to help children excel at club level, which will enable them to perform well in the Ekurhuleni Golf Union junior foundations.

The youngest player who participated was only four years old, while the oldest was 13.

All participants who attended from Monday to Thursday received a medal.

Read: Gholf Akademie in Springs lei jonges op

Geldenhuys hopes to host the clinic on a monthly basis in the future.

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