
SGHS students win MP Challenge

A team of four students from Springs Girls’ High School (SGHS) recently won the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) Monetary Policy Challenge (MPC) for 2016 under the guidance of their economics educator, Rachael Masadza.

This team of girls, Ranaa Cevikmen, Thobile Bengane, Alyssa Govender and Luthando Mbonani, came first nationally in the challenge.

The MPC schools challenge is an exciting competition run by the SARB in partnership with the Department of Education

“The challenge gives Grade 12 learners, who are passionate about economics, a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of the governor Lesetja Kanyago and the members of the MPC, by analysing current SA economic indicators and making a recommendation on what the repo rate should be,” says Masadza.

The school’s MPC team had to send a written statement announcing its decision on the repo rate as well as supporting reasons.

Out of over 80 entries from four provinces, including Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Free State, Reserve Bank economists selected six finalists.

These finalists had to prepare a detailed oral presentation on their statement, which was presented to the SARB panellists in June.

“All the teams went to the Reserve Bank for the announcement of the winners and it was a a wonderful surprise when they announced SGHS as the winner,” says Masadza.

The winning team, their educator and SGHS principal Angela Jones spent July 21 at the Reserve Bank as guests of the governor and watched a live broadcast of the MPC announcement.

The prize money for the winning team included R40 000 shared equally between the learners, R15 000 for the school, iPads for all team members and their educator.

The learners are also eligible for fully paid university bursaries from SARB.

“We are proud to have won the challenge twice since 2013, a remarkable achievement,” says the principal.

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