
Skinny Fudges

I am sure I must have lost kilos and kilos since I went on diet. I feel all slim and sylphlike.

I look at my own furry face in the water bowl and I see sheer skinniness reflected.

In fact, one of these days I will be able to dive into the bowl and swim laps – at the rate I am going now.

Just lately, I’ve been for more walks than I can remember.

The only good thing is that they play ball with me whenever ever I ask.

They figure the more exercise that I get the better – even if it is only a few runs to fetch the ball six hundred times a day.

And all the time I’m starving.

Seriously – I could eat my own toenails I’m so hungry.

Pity I don’t have any fleas on me –would be a bit of extra protein at least!

Every now and then mom takes pity on me and gives me a snack of something.

The first time she gave me a titbit I grabbed it eagerly… then foooh – spat it out quick chop chop.

Yuk siesghah! Disgusting!What is this nonsense you are feeding your precious doglet?

Gave her a dirty look.

That’s just revolting.

It’s a slice of apple Fudges, she replied.

Delicious! The Vet Auntie last year said you could have one as a treat, as long as it doesn’t have any pips or skin.

Chunky chop bones (I wish!) did you ever hear such nonsense?

A Fudge eating apples. I think not.

How about a nice piece of cheese or meat or something?

Isn’t it time for my ham covered pill yet?

Nope! She smiled at me.

Come on… try it.

It’s all nice and crisply crunchy.

Pretend it’s a bone.

She picked the bit up off the floor, gave it a wipe and offered it to me again.

I sniffed it.

Then gave it a lick… hmmmm…. took a wee nibble.

Not too shabby in fact.

Crunched it down.

Right… let’s have another bit then.

She lopped off another piece, ate the end bits off and handed it to me.

What? Such a teensy tiny morsel?

Rather you eat that and I’ll have that other big bit on the plate.

Fat chance!

Mom wagged her finger at me.

You are on diet, remember.

As if I could forget.

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