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Breakfast for community stakeholders at Parkland Hospital

Life Springs Parkland Hospital hosted a meet-and-greet breakfast for the Springs South African Police Service (SAPS), different members of the Crime Policing Forums (CPFs) in Springs, as well as the hospital's newly appointed security company on Wednesday.

“We organised this breakfast so we could get to know the various officials within our community and affiliate them with members of the newly appointed security company at the hospital,” says Celia van Wyk, the hospital’s marketing manager.

Hospital services manager Zaf Saley adds that the hospital feels it is important to build and maintain relationships with the police and CPF.

“We appointed a new security firm in April and we would like to have them also build a good relationship with the SAPS and CPF.”

“So this is a good way to bring all parties together to mingle and discuss ways forward for tightening the already excellent security and safety inside and outside of the hospital.”

Saley says, in the event that something crime or safety related occurs, it is beneficial for the hospital and its patients to have immediate assistance and know the relevant protocols and procedures for assistance.

“It will assist us to know who to go to and where to go to, in the instance of a crisis or emergency,” he says.

“That is why it is imperative to have a solid relationship with the relevant security and safety stakeholders in Springs.”

In her address, hospital manager Tertia Niewoudt, says it is important that private sector institutions and the government hold hands in building a safer and more secure hospital and community.

“Not only must we focus on issues relating to health, but also look at sectors such as safety and security as part of the broader management plan,” she says.

“We want to focus on the safety of our patients and employees.”

“By joining hands and helping each other we will be making life better for the whole Springs community as well.”

The breakfast proved to be a success and has encouraged the beginning of great relationships between all the stakeholders who were present.

“We are really glad that this was a successful gathering and we had more attendees than what was expected,” says Niewoudt.

“We trust this is the beginning of many more good relations with our stakeholders.”

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