
Hijacking on Welgedacht Road

At around 6.15pm, on Friday, a complainant driving a grey Mazda 323 had stopped at the robots on Welgedacht Road, when he heard a bang on the rear door of the vehicle.

As he looked to see what was going on, he saw two armed men on both sides of the vehicle.

The suspects opened the vehicle, climbed in and told the driver to go back to Delmas until they reached a church.

Then the men demanded the driver’s car keys, wallet with bank card and clothes.

They tied the hands of the complainant, put him into the boot and demanded his PIN code.

Afterwards the men drove to an ATM where they withdrew R1 800 before dropping the driver off near Tembisa and fleeing in his vehicle.

He managed to get a lift back to Springs Police Station where he opened a case.

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