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SARS gives taxpayers satisfactory service

In the early hours of Friday morning taxpayers queued outside the South African Revenue Services (SARS) office.

This was marking the beginning of tax season for taxpayers across the country.

The queue stretched from the entrance, to the robots all the way down Seventh Street.

Parking attendant at the SARS premises, Luciano Brown (30), says taxpayers arrived from as early as 5am to have their revenue services rendered.

“Some people came by foot and others drove here, all because they wanted to be early for what looks like will be the norm until tax season is over,” says Luciano.

Luciano, who has been a parking attendant for two years, says this can be expected as taxpayers come to submit for their returns.

“I think it’s good that people are here to get something back from the taxes they pay,” he adds.

“People must be able to claim back from the government for all the hard work and effort they put into paying their taxes.”

Luciano assured that SARS employees have been efficient all morning and ensured that they work their hardest to offer satisfactory service to clients.

“The line is really moving along quickly but that is all because SARS employees are dedicated and committed during this time of year.”

“It has been that way ever since I started working as an attendant here.”

Mbuleleo Debese (24), who was one of the people standing in the queue to submit his tax returns, expressed his satisfaction in the efficiency and professionalism shown by the SARS office.

“It is my first time visiting the branch and I have no complaints,” says Mbulelo.

“I arrived at 7am and I was all the way at the back of the queue.”

“It is now 45 minutes later and I am almost inside, which is impressive.”

Mbuleleo, who comes all the way from Secunda, says he plans to submit his returns at the branch every year from now on.

“I am definitely coming back because the service is just so good.”

Thabo Maselela (37) of Springs reiterated Mbulelo’s stance, stating that he is impressed by the proficiency of the SARS branch.

“I must commend this office and its staff on the good work they are doing to help us,” says Thabo.

Tax season commenced on July 1 and will run until November 25.

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