
Hijacking alert – Springs police warn of targeted hijackings

If you drive this vehicle, you should be extra vigilant for hijackers at all times.

The Springs police have put out yet another hijacking alert.

Capt Johannes Ramphora, police spokesman, claims Ford Rangers are the most recent target of hijackers.

Reporting on two recent hijackings, where Ford Rangers were taken, Ramphora urges the drivers of these vehicles to be more vigilant.

A Ford Ranger was hijacked by armed, fake cops in Stadium Road, in Springs, on April 9.

On April 14, another driver of a Ford Ranger fell victim to armed hijackers in Ermelo Road, Strubenvale.

In both cases the drivers were forced to lie down in another vehicle and were dropped off at destinations not known to them.

The first victim was dropped off in Malvern, Johannesburg, and had to find his way back to Springs, while the other victim was taken to Tsakane, where he was left behind by the hijackers.

These armed hijackers even offered the victim beer to drink.

Ramphora says the police believe that this model of vehicle is being targeted and that the public should be informed.

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