
Fake cops hijack vehicle

The Springs police received a late report of a hijacking that took place in Stadium Road, Springs, on Saturday.

A Ford Ranger was hijacked by three armed robbers.

According to Springs police spokesman Capt Johannes Ramphora, a man was stopped by the driver of a white Chevrolet.

The victim claims that, when he stopped his vehicle, the driver of the Chevrolet, which was reportedly fitted with blue police lights, approached his vehicle and pointed a firearm at him. T

he driver of the Ford was asked to move to the back seat of his vehicle and to lie down.

Ramphora says that, according to the victim, they were driving in the direction of Johannesburg, and he was dropped off in Malvern.

He was given a lift to the Cleveland Police Station, where he opened a hijacking case and the case was transferred to the Springs Police Station.

“The vehicle was fitted with a tracking device, but has not yet been found,” says Ramphora.

No shots were fired and no arrests had been made at the time of publishing.

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