
Teach children about safety

Children who walk to and from school everyday are more at risk of being abducted and harmed than those who are dropped off at school by their parents.

Parents are also responsible for making sure that they teach their children safety rules so they know what to do when they are in danger.

Many children in Kwatsaduza walk more than 2km to get to school.

Capt Johannes Ramphora from the Springs Police Station says it’s every parent’s responsibility to make sure that their children are safe and know what to do when they feel unsafe.

“Equipping children with knowledge and information could save them from falling victim to criminals who are constantly looking for opportunities to abduct children,” he says.

He supplied some safety tips that parents and children can follow to ensure that they are safe while walking to and from school.

  • Parents should have their children’s school phone number and teacher’s number in case of emergencies.
  • Children should always walk in groups as opposed to walking alone when going to school.
  • It’s the parents’ responsibility to teach their child about important numbers to know including their own cellphone numbers.
  • When a child doesn’t reach home at the normal time, parents should call the school and follow up before they go to report the case at the police station.
  • Children should never get into strangers’ cars no matter what, even if they know their parents’ names and where they live.
  • Parents should organise transportation or a person who can walk with their children if they have extramural activities after school.

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