
Crime fears sparked by lack of light

A resident from Casseldale claims non-working streetlights are putting residents at risk of break-ins.

Karlien Heymans (32) says there are two streetlights out of order in front of her house along Singlehurst Road which regularly results in trespassers on her property.

Her two dogs, a husky and a toy pom, were poisoned four weeks ago.

It is suspected criminals killed the animals in an attempt to enter the property.

“There are at least 10 other houses in the area where dogs have also been poisoned,” says Heymans.

“In the last three weeks we have had three instances where people have tried to break into our house,” she says.

The most recent incident took place on Wednesday evening, when Heymans was awakened by the neighbour’s dog barking and saw people near her wall.

She made a scene and the people fled.

“I don’t feel safe any more and I think my house is a prime target for break-ins because these two street lights don’t work,” Heymans says.

“I feel there needs to be more patrolling in the area from the CPF and more patrol vehicles made available from the police.”

She adds she is awake in the early hours of every morning and says there are no patrols during 1am and 4am.

“I open my blinds at this time and never see any cars in the street,” she says.

Sandra Mosgrove from the Casseldale Community Police Sub-Forum (CPSF) and Sector three says there are patrols throughout the day and night.

“There are unscheduled patrols during the day and scheduled patrols after 10pm with regular observations,” they say.

According to management, they receive regular reports and are not aware of any attempted break-ins at this address.

“We are aware police are also doing regular patrols in the area,” they conclude.

Captain Johannes Ramphora was unavailable for comment at the time of going to print.

The Addie is awaiting comment from the Ekurhuleni Metro.

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