
Good arrangements

Must say, one of the most irritating things since I’ve been sick is that I have no strength to jump onto furniture.

Mandatory things like… the bed and the couch.

Obviously I can’t jump onto my little step and into the car either.

Big pain in the furry butt – I am relegated to the floor if mom is not around.

But since we are now working downstairs again, mom and I have come to an arrangement.

I stand by the couch, smile at her and wag my tail.

Of course this does not work well if she has her back to me and is tik tiking on her laptop thingy.

Then I have to sigh a lot and make other pathetic noises.

Worse comes to worse, I have to go and give her the nose.

Oh sorry Fudges, she says to me.

She gets up and we go over to the lounge bit of downstairs.

I stand in front of the couch.

She hefts me onto it.

I rearrange the small cushions to my liking.

The seat cushions are big and squidgy and so I wallow around on them until I am comfy.

I spy my ball on the floor.

Hmmm…. would be very nice to have that on the couch with me as well.

I sigh a lot more and gaze at my ball lovingly.

The eyes in the back of mom’s head kick in and she turns around.

She sighs and gets up.

Gives me a bit of a hairy eyeball and passes me my ball.

It’s a tad wet and squelchy from being outside in the garden.

Yuch Fudges, she says, I’m not sure I want that thing on the couch.

I roll my eyes – the couch is brown – nobody is going to notice a little bit of mud.

She goes back to her desk and starts working again.

I mooch around a bit more on the couch and then decide that perhaps Alpha’s chair might be more comfortable.

Besides, sometimes there are choccy crumbs on the table next to his chair.

I jump down.

Mom turns around again.

She looks at me.

I stand by Alpha’s chair and wiggle my eyebrows.

Let’s try this one out hmmmm?

She hefts me onto Alpha’s chair.

I give the TV remote on the arm a bit of a nudge.

She moves it onto the table.

Sadly there are no chocolate crumbs today.

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