
Sneaky Snacks

That boy Luan is visiting us from the farm again.

Mom told me he’s come to write some NBTs so that he can go to university next year and study

Animal Science.

She says this means he is going to live with us all the time – well – for the first year anyway.

I’m not sure if I am excited about this or not.

Ever since he moved to the farm he’s become a very ”unshary” boy.

Before, he would always put his plate down for me to lick, or even save me a morsel or two.

Now he just gobbles up his food and puts the plate in the sink – if Mom is lucky.

This time he brought us all some delicious smelling stuff.

Biltong and droë wors. Yum.

I smelled it in his bag before he even handed it over.

When he gave it to Mom, he said that Alpha’s brother had given him strict instructions that not one scrap of the delicious stuff was to be given to me.

Hah! Mom laughed uproariously.

She looked in the bag, hauled out a nice sized piece of droë wors and promptly gave me half.

Luan gaped.

I slurped that sucker down in half an instant flat.

Oi! Said Mom. Chew it Fudges, chew it.

Eventually Mom had to stash the bag in the microwave so that I could not smell it.

I kept sidling into the kitchen and eyeing it out. Seeing as her desk is now right opposite the kitchen (remember – she moved out of her office back downstairs so we did not have to deal with those stairs more than necessary) she started getting a tad fed up with all my hinting and, okay, a bit of begging too.

She ended up putting a large chunk of the stuff in the freezer.

I looked at her – no problem – if you can’t eat it all now – pass it over here. I’ll deal with it for you.

Ghah Fudges, she snorted – you are such a greedy doglet!

Ever since you’ve been taking those cortisone pills.

True – I am constantly starving.

No matter if I’ve just demolished a bowl of food or not – there is always space for more.

We are off to Dr Dean again tomorrow.

Maybe he will reduce the cortisone dose to just one pill a day if my red blood cell count is good.

Cross paws.


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