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Aiki-Sambo grappling competition

An Aiki-Sambo grappling competition was held at the Tenchikan Dojo in Springs, on Wednesday evening.

Aiki-Sambo is a combination of Yoshinkan Aiki-do and Sam-bo, created by Kancho Kenji Nakazawa, who visited from Japan last year.

Kenji gave the first Aiki-Sambo seminar and workshop at the Dojo.

Aiki-Sambo is represented in South Africa by Shibu’s Terence and Suzette Teraine.

All of the students participated in the competition which was refereed and judged by Terence.

“Everyone displayed exceptional skill and technique and did very well,” says Terence.

This was the first competition for Aiki-Sambo grappling held in South Africa.

Joshua Timm (9) received a silver medal in the competition, Jayden du Buisson (7) and Victor Potgieter (18) both received a bronze medal and Suzette received gold.

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