Editor's choiceNewsSchools

Boys’ High’s Rememberance Day

Springs Boys’ High School’s annual Remembrance Day service will take place on November 11, at 10.45am for 11am at the school.

The service commemorates not only the learners who lost their lives in service of their country, but all people who ‘gave their tomorrow so that we can have a better today’.

Tribute will also be paid to teachers or pupils of the school, who may have died and plaques are placed on the school’s Wall of Remembrance.

Family members who would like to avail themselves of the opportunity of having plaques erected in honour of a loved one are requested to contact the school.

It is a tradition at the school to commemorate ex-pupils who died during the Second World War, the Korean War, as well as other war fought in and on the borders of South Africa, they celebrate this every year on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11am.

This is to commemorate and remember, not only those learners that gave their yesterday for a better today, but also celebrate the fact of living in a wonderful country like South Africa.

On this day the school’s feeder primary schools, as well as its sister high school, Springs Girls’ High School and their principals, members from the defence force, SA Navy, and the Moths, are present.

Anyone wishing to lay a wreath or plaque at this occasion should contact the school on 011 818 2175.

The wreaths can be ordered from any florist.

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