Local primary school gets newly painted classroom

Prior to the company’s visit to assess the school’s needs, the principal stated that the staff room and four grade R classes, which haven’t been painted in the past 20 years, both urgently need to be painted.

In the spirit of Mandela Day, Siyasiza consulting spent their 67 minutes painting four classrooms for the Grade R learners at Busisiwe Primary School.

Siyasiza is a consulting company that helps businesses address their complex challenges in the fields of internal audit, technology, and placement for vital skills.

During the painting

According to Siyasiza consulting account strategist, Nomsa Mbuli, Prior to the company’s visit to assess the school’s needs, the principal stated that the staff room and four Grade R classes, which had not been painted in the past 20 years, both urgently need to be painted.

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“As a way of bringing positive impact into the community we as Siyasiza decided to pick one school that we can assist and Busisiwe primary was our first target so we are here today to bring brightness because we know that kids, especially the younger ones, do not enjoy learning in classrooms that are dull brown painted. And with this project we have managed to help four local professional painters earn some income, “said Mbuli.

Ziyasiza team during the painting

Mbuli added that in addition to the painting, Siyasiza has decided to partner with the school so as to prepare the young learners for the digital world.

The company will begin by upgrading the computer lab and also implement some programmes that will help the learners understand the digital world better and also assist with the library.

“I’ve always wanted to teach my students in a bright classroom because Grade R is all about colours.

“Also young learners become more motivated to learn in a pleasant setting. I am very happy that I will be teaching my students in a lovely classroom because I have spent years doing so in a less-than-pleasant environment,” said a Grade R teacher, Jane Mbhele.

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The Siyasiza crew was generous enough to hire a chef to prepare a fantastic lunch for all 400 chilfren and teachers present at the school.

During the painting

“We would like to thank Siyasiza for helping us because we now know that for the upcoming years the school will have lovely classrooms.

“If private companies can partner with the institution of the government, I think everything will go very smoothly because when the government fails to assist, private companies will intervene and that will help a lot and also people will benefit as well,” said Busisiwe primary principal, Philip Gaborone Mabalane.

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