Flou shares his passion for dance

The twenty-one-year-old has recently auditioned to be in the to the dance crew, Freeze Frame.

Ntsika Goniwe ‘Flou’ from Pennyville has a passion for dance that he wants to share. The twenty-one-year-old has recently auditioned to be in the to the dance crew, Freeze Frame.

Flou had also been part of the SABC show Showville where he entered in his hometown Cradock in the Eastern Cape. He went through to the final four in the show and then came in second place.

“I fell in love with Hip Hop during my late primary school years but I’ve been dancing for a long time, it goes as far as I can remember,” said Flou.

During his high school years, the young dancer was trained and mentored by one of the Backstage former actors. He finds his interests in contemporary and Hip-Hop dancing but his real focus and passion is in Hip Hop.

“Dance is life, it’s a language, its freedom of speech because I can express myself without articulating anything. Every movement is felt hence I say that its life. When I search my inner self, I find myself in dance,” explained the dancer.

During weekends Flou does gigs and auditions and he does gigs at parties for Soweto Finest and so forth.

He finds himself not doing much during the week and decided to offer classes to people who want to learn how to dance.

“Dancing by myself is not really it. I want to share what was shared with me and give back to the ones who like dance. I see that the culture of Hip Hop is becoming big. I want to teach those who want to learn and have no one to teach them,” said Flou.

The preferable age range is between 10 and 25-year-olds. He will be teaching a combination of Hip Hop and contemporary dance.

Dancer, Ntsika Goniwe ‘Flou’.

“I always look at the creative side of dancing so when you box everything, you not allowing any creativity. I also encourage dance because it comes with being physically fit so anyone is welcome to my classes.”

Flou started teaching two students last week and will like more to join his classes. His classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Riverlea Recreation Centre from 3 pm until 4.30 pm.

If you are interested in these lesson contact Flou on 073 6881 468.

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