Seniors not confined to nanny status

Age is nothing but a number

The Ebenezer Senior Citizens Club (ESCC) was established in April 2013 with the aim of getting Eldorado Park seniors more active in the community.

Club leader Jane Thomas (79) espouses four pillars which she believes are a holistic approach to getting the elderly to remain involved with the Eldorado Park community.

The club takes the “SPES” approach which encompasses the Spiritual, Physical, Educational and Service to the community.

ESCC has approximately 30 members who meet on Thursdays at the Ebenezer Congregation Church in Boundary Road in Extension Nine from 930 am to 1130 am where they engage in various activities to occupy their time.

Thomas says that the group’s mantra is, “Age is nothing but a number, grey is just a colour, with God on our side, He’ll keep us solid as a rock.”

The club hosted its annual concert at the Don Mateman Civic Centre on October 22 and elderly residents from all over Eldorado Park joined in the festivities as ESCC members performed on the stage and dispelled the notion that the elderly are merely here to look after their grandchildren.

Thomas added that, “It has long been my dream to uplift and motivate seniors and not to consign them to glorified babysitters. We have so much to offer and contribute to the community.”


Club members can be seen in the videos below enjoying themselves onstage at the Don Mateman Civic Centre.



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