Video: ‘Youngest’ female spinner loves speed

Stacey-Lee May proves spinning is a safe sport.

At 17 Stacey-Lee May started spinning and has since attracted the attention of many.

“I was always into fast cars and spinning was the closest thing to it,” she said.

Her mother Lizel May didn’t approve of May’s interest until her father convinced Lizel.

“My father used to spin.

“I asked him and a friend of his to teach me, they told me what to do and I did it,” said May.

She has since received two trophies but doesn’t compete.

May has a spinning license but not a driver’s license.

“I enjoy it as a sport but once I learn more and upgrade my car I will enter competitions,” she said.

She says she has a lot to learn in the spinning world.

Stacey-Lee May in one of her stunts.

May is the only female spinner in her crew and the youngest female.

“I’m the youngest female spinner, I spin with men over 30 and can do the things they do,” May said.

She said spinning is still seen as gangsterism and a dangerous activity.

“I’ve been in one accident because my brakes failed but I never had an injury.

“Spinning is a very safe sport, people don’t get hurt doing it,” said May who would rather get into a spinning car than a rollercoaster.

Her spinning car has brakes on the left and right of the car and an emergency switch to use if something goes wrong.

May can perform various stunts like getting in, out and on top of the car while it’s spinning.


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