‘A reading nation, is a successful nation’

Creating a culture of reading for pupils.

For years the Dr Beyers Naude Secondary School pupils have suffered with having no place where they could read and get research material.

This will now be a thing of the past as the school has managed to receive donation of a container and books to help them start a library.

Principal Linda Zabala says: “After years of knocking on doors we now have a container, books and concrete slab that was donated by SAGE. Harvard University has also presented us with books while the MTN Foundation gave us a mobile unit that stores books inside and this can be pushed and used in classrooms. The National Council of Women which is an NGO has also been helping with this project. We are thankful to all these people and we truly appreciate their help because we believe a reading nation is a successful nation.”

Zabala said this library will open a window into another world for her children.

President of the RCL, Linda Mtshali said that a culture of reading is vital.

“We are being given a chance to be part of an informed culture and this is an opportunity for us to enhance our English and reading skills. So as young people, let’s cherish this chance,” he said.

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