Feeling unsafe in their home

Woman almost raped in her own home.

Judith Nkomo and her daughter do not feel safe in their own home after being robbed and experiencing attempts to attack them.

On June 16, while sleeping a man broke into her house, gaining access into her bedroom.

She said the man’s face was covered and he instructed her to give her a cell phone and money.

Nkomo said: “I did that as he threatened to hurt me if I screamed and he had knife in his hand. He then told me to take off my clothes but I refused. I said to God, I would rather die than be raped by this filthy monster.”

To save herself she grabbed the knife and screamed.

The thief ran away.

“My daughter woke up from the other room. We were both terrified,” she said.

The incident was reported to the police.

On July 18, a thief tried to go into the house again but he was unsuccessful.

On July 19 he came back again to steal outside the house.

Community Development Worker, Julius Maputla said there are too many cases of burglaries happening in the community by residents of the same community.

While security measures have been tightened, Nkomo said residents need to stand together against crime and speak out when they have heard something about crime.

“Crime is everyone’s problem, what are we wiling to do as a community to fight it and feel safe in our own homes,” she said.

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