Eldos residents sound alarm on illegal connections

Residents uncover issues plaguing their area and also demand that action be taken to resolve power woes.

Residents of Alabama Avenue, EXT 7, Eldorado Park are concerned about exposed cables illegally connected to electric poles which pose a safety risks and financial losses.

A resident who wished to remain anonymous reported threats from individuals connecting the cables.

Despite alerting councillors, former mayors and City Power, no action has been taken.

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“These illegal connections cause power surges, damaging appliances and threatening lives. They also overload transformers, leading to power reductions,” the resident said.

The low-laying exposed wears poses a safety risk for community members, especially children use these road to and from school.

Ward 17 community leader, Bishop Robertson alleged that the illegal connections benefit the Somalian tuck shop owner who does not pay for electricity.

He alleged to have reported the issue to Patriotic Alliance (PA) councillors, Dwain Ponsonby and Juwairlya Kaldine but no action was taken.

“I am worried about school children and park-goers in EXT 8. We need an operation to remove these connections and fine the Somalian shop owner,” Robertson said.


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The Somalian tuck shop operator denied the allegations, stating that he pays rent to the landlord, who covers services.

The landlord also disputed the claims, saying the cable serves an informal settlement in Kliptown and they pay for electricity.

Robertson and other community members raised concerns about safety risks from power surges and potential fires, financial losses from damaged appliances, overloaded transformers causing load reductions and threats to school children and park-goers.

He called for the immediate removal of illegal connections, investigation into alleged electricity theft and enforcement of accountability against those responsible.

Eldorado Park residents call for accountability, and safety measures amid illegal connections scandal at Alabama Avenue, EXT 7.

The PA Regional Chairperson and Whip in Council, Lois Simonca said Councillor Ponsonby was in an Executive Steering Team meeting with the MEC of Infrastructure, City Power and Joburg Water to address the issue.

Simonca stated that they have identified a path forward, but the implementation is pending until a comprehensive programme is established.

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She assured that concerns have been noted and relevant stakeholders will take over.

However, Simonca clarified that councillors cannot unilaterally disconnect illegal connections; proper procedures must be followed.

“As ward councillors, we grapple with this issue daily and it unfairly burdens paying citizens,” Simonca acknowledged.

“We empathise with their frustrations and sufferings. The City is developing a plan to minimise and regulate electricity in the area,” said Simonca.

She also appealed to residents to pay for services to enable the City to provide quality services, adding that the financial capacity is crucial for delivering proper services to communities.

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