Angry school security officials in Eldos demand pay

Unpaid and Unprotected: Eldorado Park school security guards speak out against Urban Watch Patrol's neglect.

Unsatisfied employees of Urban Watch Patrol (UWP) from Klipsruit West, responsible for securing various schools in Eldorado Park, have broken their silence on the company’s consistent failure to pay their salaries on time.

August delayed payments marked the third to four consecutive months without compensation, leaving workers frustrated and worried about providing for their families.

“We have families and school-going children to provide for,” an anonymous worker shared.

“Making empty promises to my children is heart-breaking. Our financial obligations accumulate interest due to delayed payments.”

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Workers alleged that UWP fails to adhere to contractual agreements, paying inconsistently or not at all.
Back payments for outstanding amounts are neglected, Psira-registered security officers are underpaid, UIF deductions are made but not submitted to the Department of Labour, standard rates for weekdays, weekends, day, and night shifts are inconsistent and workers must purchase their uniforms and protective gear.

“We’re treated like slaves, emotionally abused and dismissed for minor mistakes,” another worker claimed.

According to information on the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission’s (CIPC) bizportal, UWP does not have a compensation fund registration and UIF compensation fund numbers.

Gauteng Department of Education Spokesperson, Steve Mabona confirmed awareness of the delayed payments and stated that UWP is compliant.

“Accordingly, we have received the invoice from Urban Watch and we are busy processing their payment. The Department can confirm that the said company is compliant,” said Mabona.

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Despite multiple attempts to get a response from the company, UWP failed to provide comment since August 23.

Workers demand accountability and a resolution to this ongoing issue including immediate payment of outstanding salaries, fair treatment and supportive managemant, adherence to contractual agreements and transparent UIF deductions and submissions.

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