CPF and SAPS discuss crime challenges in Eldos

The meeting was basically an in-house meeting to iron out internal issues concerning crime, looking into the four sectors in the Greater Eldorado Park.

The Eldorado Park SAPS management and the Community Policing Forum held a meeting to discuss crime matters at the police station, on July 25.

According to the Eldorado Park SAPS Communication Officer, Sergeant Fezeka Khobo, the meeting was basically an in-house meeting to iron out internal issues concerning crime, looking into the four sectors in the Greater Eldorado Park.

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She said some of the topics they discussed were general crime issues, sector two and three managers, informers programme, and resources. They also discussed a way forward.

“This was a very successful meeting as unity was preached more than anything, and solutions to tackle the challenges raised during the meeting were proposed,” said Sergeant Khobo.

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