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Father’s Day and Youth Day commemorated in joint celebration

This event aimed to recognise the contribution of fathers while empowering and inspiring the younger generation.

Makeng Motsamai who is the principal of Thari-Imbeleko Christian School together with the City of Johannesburg hosted fathers and the youth on a beautiful day where she shared her plans for the 70×7 mission.

At the Thari-Imbeleko Christian School in Dobsonville, Soweto on June 16 fathers and the youth were called to action with these themes ‘Where are the Fathers?’ and ‘Where are the Young Men?’

This event aimed to recognise the contribution of fathers while empowering and inspiring the younger generation.

ALSO READ: Local foundation commemorates Youth Day in Diepkloof

It was also an appeal call against drug abuse where everyone was given the peace flags that will be raised in the next event of the 490-step walk.

The principal elaborated on the reasons behind this day, “I wanted young men to come today and get the chance to meet other young people like this other youth organisation that offers skills.

“I want them to see that there are opportunities out there for them and I want young men who are also on drugs to come and raise the peace flags,” said Motsamai.

Mission 70×7 is a mission inspired by the lived experience of pain and despair from the impact of drug abuse by Makeng’s son who is also a recovering addict.

“I wanted to work with other families and communities not only to heal but to conquer this disease or problem through a collective effort. I had to forgive myself first and then forgive my son and others,” said Motsamai.

This was also a beautiful way of getting fathers and their sons to bond and spend time together sharing a beautiful meal that was prepared by another young man who is a recovering drug addict and had received help from Motsamai’s organisation.

ALSO READ: Commemorating Youth Day through dialogue

Mandla Thanjekwayo (32) who is now a chef spoke about his expectations coming into the event and his ambitions as a chef.

“I was hoping that the youth would come in numbers and come grab the opportunities and skills brought by mama.

“My dream as a chef is to open my restaurant to also be able to give out jobs and skills the way I was able to get them.”

Fathers of the learners from the school came with their sons to spend the day with other fathers and young boys.

Steven Mpowa who is a father to one of the learners said, “I was expecting more fathers because it’s nice to see that as fathers we are also being recognised and seeing today’s event in our community is heart-warming.”

The fathers, boys, and young men had long engaging conversations, took pictures together, and enjoyed their meals.

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