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Buhle Bethu empowers hosts the young and old for lunch

According to the founder of Buhle Bethu, Sanah Mothiba, it was important for her to start the organisation so as to help the youth fight poverty in a positive manner.

On November 11, Buhle Bethu, a local NPO hosted a get-together lunch session for the elders and children at Rekagile Day Care, Dobsenville.

The purpose of the day was intended to provide entertainment, social interaction, and enjoyment for both young people and the elderly.

It was also aimed at informing residents about the important role that Buhle Bethu NPO plays in the community.

Buhle Bethu Youth and the Founder

Buhle Bethu is an NPO that helps the community with social issues faced by the youth including drugs and alcohol consumption, Gender Based Violence, HIV and Aids and bullying.

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According to the founder of Buhle Bethu, Sanah Mothiba, it was important for her to start the organisation so as to help the youth fight poverty in a positive manner.

“Our youth is really struggling, our kids have degrees and diplomas but they are unemployed. So through this initiative I’m trying to help the youth make ends meet, I know the money is not enough but half a cent is better than nothing,” said Mothiba.

A delicious lunch was served to the attendees, along with music from the 1980s and a performance by an elderly community choir.

Some of the kids at the get together

Admin coordinator at Buhle Bethu, Gopolang Mahlangu said the NPO plays a huge role in the community, especially when it comes to empowering the youth and encouraging education and skills development.

“We have done a pleasing job so far, the programmes we usually conduct are very helpful to the public and the youth.

“Not so long ago we had the Financial Sector Conduct Authority training whereby the youth was taught about financial services and financial management,” said Mahlangu.

He added that the NPO wants to engage with more people, particularly the youth, as their primary goal is to empower them.

Buhle Bethu Youth

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“We are here today to express our gratitude to Sanah for giving our kids such a fantastic opportunity.

“It is wonderful to see our kids coming here every day to work toward a good cause rather than just hanging out on the streets aimlessly,” said one of the residents who attended the get-together, Marry Moilwa.

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