Glenridge Primary School host a pageant day

The school decided to host the pageant in order to allow the learners to showcase their beauty and confidence.

Glenridge Primary School recently hosted a pageant and entrepreneurship day for learners to have fun and enjoy themselves.

According to the assistant teacher, Lerato Mofokeng, the school decided to host the pageant in order to allow the learners to showcase their beauty and confidence and the entrepreneurship programme was a way of doing an assignment task practically.

“Many of our learners struggles to embrace their own self-image, so by holding this pageant we are enabling them to understand that they are lovely and that they are perfect just the way they are,” said Mofokeng.

At the entrepreneurial venue, there was much for the learners to do and they also got a treat in the form of food, drinks, snacks and sweets.

Al the boys that participated in the pageant

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“Through this task, learners are supposed to experience how it feels to be real entrepreneurs. This task is a way of helping them in terms of knowing the skills and characteristics of an entrepreneur and also be able to apply them,” said Mofokeng.

All the girls that participated in the pageant

At the end of the programme Sizolwethu Mkhize was crowned Miss Glenridge while Tokolo Moletsane was crowned Mr Glenridge.

“I am very happy for winning this tittle and I am very proud of myself.

“With this tittle I am aiming to show other learners that everyone is capable of having a positive self-esteem,” said Mkhize.

A grade seven learner who participated at the entrepreneurship program
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