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Young scientific minds ignited by evolution

“Through the events that we had, approximately 3000 learners from schools and communities around Joburg were encouraged to consider career paths in science and technology."

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) through the South African Agency of Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) in partnership with Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo celebrated national science week’s main event at Extreme Park on August 05.

National Science Week is recognised from July 31to August 05, with this year’s theme being “Transforming lives through the evidence-based science.”

It aimed at exposing residents to evidence-based approach of problem solving and decision making, responding to situations using the available information that has been researched or experienced.

Residents, especially local school learners gathered at Extreme Park to learn more about Science and Technology.

DSI hosted celebration events at different locations to celebrate the day including, Johannesburg Botanical Gardens, Ivory Regional Park, malls and shopping centres with residents being given an opportunity to engage with the speakers and win tickers to a free entrance at Johannesburg Zoo.

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Johannesburg City Parks, Zoo and Botanical Garden Science Centre, environmental education specialist, Moliehi Moonyane said National Science Week is aimed at raising awareness on the importance of science in our daily lives.

“Through the events that we had, approximately 3000 learners from schools and communities around Joburg were encouraged to consider career paths in science and technology.

Umqele Wemvelo from Rockville were one of the exhibitors at the event.

Every year we align our activities with the theme of the year and we used some of the exhibits from local organisations to show them how to use hydro-power energy and have them get a real feel of what it is from the exhibits,” Moonyane said.

She added that attendees were also exposed to different forms of green energy which are alternatives that communities can use.

They were also involved in hands-on activities where they use material they can find at home to produce wind energy and learn how it operates.

“One of the purposes was to encourage learners to choose Science and Math subjects. With the assistance of the exhibitors who honoured our invitation we were able to reach our goal.”

The day featured various speakers including the managing director of SAASTA, Dr Mamoletsi Mosia.

Local exhibitors showcased their services in Science and Technology.

One of the exhibitors, Sipho Mboniswa from Umqele Wemvelo from Rockville expressed gratitude to the stakeholders who arranged the event and encouraged residents to show interest in agriculture.

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“As an organisation which focuses on agriculture, we are grateful to such events since we are able to interact with residents directly and make them aware of the services we offer such as training in agriculture.

“It makes us happy knowing that we can plant a seed of knowledge and assist residents feed their families in the comfort of their own homes by having their own vegetable gardens,” Mboniswa said.

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