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Face of Humanity pageant a success

The lively Kempton Park resident refuses to use his blindness as an excuse and recently started his modelling career following the words of encouragement and motivation he received from his friends who constantly complimented his facial features.

Justice Bale (20) walked away with the tittle of Mr Face of Humanity 2022/23.

The competition which recently took place in Polokwane over the festive season saw various individuals including those living with disabilities participate in different categories.

Regardless of the challenges he faced through the preparation of the competition, Bale has proven beyond unreasonable doubt that disability should not be seen as an obstacle for one to reach their aspiration.

According to him, he was overwhelmed after receiving news about his eyesight being permanently damaged and it changed his life completely.

“I under went over 13 operations with an attempt to regain my eyesight. This is why I now choose to live my life to the fullest,” Bale said.

Bale refuses to use his blindness as an excuse and recently started his modelling career following the words of encouragement and motivation he received from his friends who constantly complimented his facial features.

Justice Bale.

“Being part of the competition was a new experience to me, I however went there with a clear mind and willing to learn new things since all this was new to me, but overall, I enjoyed being on stage with other participants,” she said.

Bale said some of the challenges he faced while preparing for the competition was having to learn the stage and ramp by practicing twice harder than his fellow participants.

“The support I received was really overwhelming, during the show I was exhausted but I pushed myself as I thought of the love that I was receiving from my family, friends and fans.”

He added that the way he was received by the audience made him enjoy being on stage as he was not seen for his blindness or disability but for his talent.

His future goal is to educate people about blindness with a hope to detach stigma on those living with disabilities.

Bale expressed heartfelt gratitude to all who supported his journey of the competition.

“The goal has not changed. Time has gone by but the aim is still to develop people from different walks of life and destigmatise disability in our society, because as a person living with a disability I know and understand the challenges we face.”

Bale strongly believes that disabilities do not define people and should therefore not limit them to live their lives to the fullest and do what they are passionate about.

“Our disabilities and differences does not make us unable to reach our dreams, but our talents and hard work is what makes us the better versions of ourselves.”

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