Top two achievers of Forte High celebrate distinctions after grueling matric year

You go through a lot of doubt and anxiety because of the expectations you have for yourself.

The top performing learner at Forte High School Tshwanelo Mokooe not only bagged eight distinctions, but she broke the institution’s long record, becoming the first girl at the school to rank number one and the only girl in the top three.

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The 17-year-old who resides in Roodeport had to make her daily commutes to the Soweto school where her future awaited.

She explains that her path to achieving the outstanding results was a road full of ups and downs.

“I still cannot believe it, judging by how I was during my final exams, the level of fatigue and exhaustion going into my finals however the target was getting eight distinctions and breaking that record.

“The fact that many did not believe in a girl making it as top one really pushed me and I knew it would show other girls that it is possible, it’s not just a boys only thing,” she shared.

The best performing learners of the class of 2022 at Forte High School, Boitlamo Mathunyane and Tshwanelo Mokooe pictured at the school in Dobsonville.

Mokooe, who was amongst the thriving learners at the institution since Grade 8 said that the pressure in matric was nothing like what she anticipated.

“I can say dealing with the pressure, I didn’t want to let anyone or myself down.

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“When the pressure got a lot, I started doubting myself. I had already told my mother not to expect a distinction in mathematics because it was the only one missing in my prelims and that nearly demotivated me,” she said in a soft laugh.

“Monday to Monday I was between school, extra classes and evening online classes.

“It was a lot of stress but my family was supportive and all the teachers and tutors were patient and believed in me to the end.”

She shared that she was hoping to get admission at University of Cape Town (UCT) where she plans on studying a Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBCHB) and further specialize in cardiology.

“I want to improve the health service of South Africa. I’ve seen in rural villages that there is a shortage of doctors, and patients will wait long periods to see a doctor, some unfortunately die without seeing one. Those are some of the stories I want to change,” she concluded.

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Following closely behind, Boitlamo Mathunyane, from Bramfisherville, obtained seven distinctions in Mathematics, History, Life Orientation, Setswana HL, Accounting, Economics and Business Studies. He said while he was overall pleased with his performance, he was gunning for eight distinctions.

The Class of 2022 matriculants pose for pictures for the current grade 12 learners at Forte High School who have came out in celebration of their former peers.

“I am a bit disappointed because I was hoping that I would get eight distinctions. That’s what I was aiming for and English was literally 79% just one percent short. It was the subject I struggled with and tried understanding the questions and how to answer,” Mathunyane told Urban News.

He said developing strategies like spending sufficient time on difficult subjects and concepts, peer learning and enrolling for extra classes contributed to his high grades. He further gave a nod to his mother, Cynthia Nkuna and his peers who provided emotional support.

“Motivation and a solid support system are needed a lot in Grade 12. You go through a lot of doubt and anxiety because of the expectations you have for yourself.

The family of Boitlamo Mathunyane pictured with the top achieving learner outside the Forte High School, Dobsonville

“It’s particularly tough because they start early and finish the curriculum by June and so you have to learn the basics and the content given in Grade 12, which requires a lot of balancing and a good mental state,” said the 18-year-old.

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Mathunyane, who also wishes to study at UCT said he wanted to become an economist. He shared that one of his biggest dreams was to be the founder of a number 1 finance company in the world from South Africa (SA) and be the richest person in the country and on the continent.

“I want to study business science in finances with accounting. I feel that this particular field will lead me both to finance and accounting where I can be a Chartered Accountant or venture into investments and other facilities in finance. I firmly believe that going into finance might help in attaining my goals.”

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