Women’s Month:Five safety tips

It reminds us of progress that has been made while at the same time reminding us of a great deal of work that still lies ahead.

Months of commemoration such as Women’s Month serve an important dual purpose.

ALSO READ: Women’s month: Five safety tips

It reminds us of progress that has been made while at the same time reminding us of a great deal of work that still lies ahead.

“The month of August is a chance to celebrate the strides made in securing better levels of equality for women in all aspects of our daily lives.

Yet, we cannot ignore the fact that the levels of violence that our women and girls endure is still at disturbingly high levels.

“Women’s Month should be a rallying cry for all of us to do more and to end all forms of violence and crime that target our women and daughters,” says Charnel Hattingh, head of communications and marketing at the Fidelity Services Group.

ALSO READ: MasterDrive to host its Women with Drive event during Women’s Month

Talk to your loved ones about these tips.

By being actively involved and interested in the safety of our women and daughters, by sharing these tips, and by working with the brave men and women of our law enforcement and security partners, we can make a difference and make the world safer for our women.

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