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EnvironMentorz taking care of the environment

A group of children from Eldorado Park became eco-scouts during the school holidays.

The eco-scouts were trained to become eco-warriors in the community this past week with EnvironMentorz.

ALSO READ: The Environmentorz keeping Eldorado Park clean

Chantelle Taylor is the coordinator for the eco-scouts and she explained that the programme started in 2017, however since the covid-19 pandemic; it has been a holiday programme. Eco scouts start from the age of until 18 years old.

If the scouts want to continue in the field after 18, they may do so and assist to empower the next generation of eco-warriors.

“An eco-scout is a foot soldier for the environment.

“As we know that the environment does not have a mouth, eyes and ears so we need to be that for the environment. Our scouts also become ambassadors for the environment,” explained Taylor.

Sowing seeds, transplanting, saving water and growing healthy vegetables are just a few lessons that the eco-scouts learnt.

“We are hoping that we will have children who will eventually want to go into the environmental sector so that we can try and get them bursaries in the field. We need leaders in our community who care about the environment,” added Taylor.

On July 4, parents of the eco-scouts were invited to the Meraki Garden (behind the Blue School) to learn how to start vegetable gardens at home.

Taylor mentioned that during these tough times it is important to learn how to grow your own food so that you can feed your family. She used the quote; ‘growing your own food is like printing your own money’.

According to Taylor, EnvironMentorz partnered with Destiny Leadership Academy’s Library so that the eco-scouts can also learn how to read. The organisation also works with Go Green Go Clean of Rashid Juma in Extension 7.

The eco-scouts have been out on excursions before the pandemic and Taylor added that they would like to take the eco-scouts to the zoo so that they can also learn about wildlife.

Chantelle Taylor with the eco-scouts in the Meraki Garden.

The NPC would like to thank; Spar, Park Bakery, Riaz Butcher, Pats Fast Foods, Gitos, Hyper Save, Bindawood, Igsaans Butcher and Dr Lee Ann from the University of Johannesburg who has assisted them in the past.

The eco-scouts are now preparing for the river clean-up at ‘the jungle’ on July 16.

If you would like to know more about the eco-scouts’ programme or would like to become a sponsor for EnvironMentorz, you can contact Chantelle Taylor on 084 071 1582, Brynmor Coolman on 082 726 6383 or Kaylene Jegels on 079 299 7743.

You can also follow the organisation on Facebook: EnvironMentorz NPC and Instagram: Environmentorz.6383 or Kaylene Jegels on 079 299 7743. You can also follow the organisation on Facebook: EnvironMentorz NPC and Instagram: Environmentorz.

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