‘Maluleke must go!’ -residents at the Community Safety Imbizo

Janice Beckett-Msiza The MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko was in Eldorado Park on May 12 for the Community Safety Imbizo and to introduce the new Station Commander, Brigadier Mkhacani Maluleke.

The MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko was in Eldorado Park on May 12 for the Community Safety Imbizo and to introduce the new Station Commander, Brigadier Mkhacani Maluleke.

ALSO READ: Eldorado Park SAPS welcomes new Station Commander

Unfortunately, it was not the welcome that was expected for the station commander as residents expressed their concerns and disapproval over his leadership.

Councillors, Dwain Ponsonby and Juwairiya Kaldine as well as CPF chairpersons, Dominique Palmer from Eldorado Park and Billy Petersen from Kliptown were also at the meeting.

One resident mentioned that there are alleged hijackers who wear police uniform in Eldorado Park and that she wanted suspects walking the streets freely while the police cannot find them.

Another complaint was that the station commander allegedly blocks people on his phone so they cannot contact him.

“They only concentrate on street crime because they are afraid of organised crime. They are afraid of organised crime because they are receiving bribes. I hear people talk about SAPS but I don’t feel like we have SAPS in Eldorado Park,” said another resident.

Concerns about the CPF were also brought up as well as police officers standing and talking with gamblers and not arresting or stopping them.

Cheryl Pillay, the chairperson of the Local Drug Action Committee shared that they have not engaged with Maluleke since his appointment two months ago.

Ponsonby asked the station commander, “What have we as councillors done to you? You have chased us from the police station and blocked us on your phone. You need to answer to these people just as I need to answer to them. We are kept out of briefings and operations. You have started off this relationship very wrong. Who are you to treat our people in this fashion?”

Charis Pretorius from Eldos FM added, “How is it that you have not introduced a plan pertaining to all these issues? You have chased residents away, you have been bluntly rude and I just want to find out if this how you get into our good books? Are you trying to show us that you are tough? Your work on the ground is what will speak for you. You haven’t really done much since you’ve been in office. My question for you is; do you plan on always alienating the community?”

The MEC eventually addressed residents but did not say much. She also introduced Kliptown Station Commander, Brigadier Lesley Lloyd.

Brigadier Lloyd acknowledged that residents were angry and frustrated. He said it would be premature of them to give solutions to the issues before meeting with residents and other stakeholders first. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, May 19 at 18:00 at the Don Mateman Hall.

Emotions were high and the meeting had to be cut short as some residents started shouting and some chanted, “Maluleke must go!”

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