#IMadeMyMark: Residents urged to practice their democratic right by voting

Gauteng has six million people who registered to vote.

he residents of Chiawelo have been protesting against electricity outages for quite a while now, however this morning, they revealed that they have not had water for the past three days.

This led to some residents saying they will not vote while others said they will not vote for the ruling party.

Speaking to the media, President Cyril Ramaphosa said he understands that residents of Soweto are frustrated over water and electricity issues.

ALSO READ: #IMadeMyMark President Cyril Ramaphosa casts his vote in Chiawelo

“This time around we want to correct what has not been going well. I have been so fortunate to go around with the premier and the mayor. Wherever we have gone, the mayor has informed me with some precision the challenges that our people are facing and have been going through. The good thing is that he has always had a book , the book which details the needs, the complaints and the challenges of our people. I would like to suggest that municipal service issues are going to be different from now on,” said the president.

Premier David Makhura said this is the day that communities and residents needs to come out and say they have listened to all the campaigning parties, and now they are ready to exercise their right to vote.

“ I would like to call upon all the people of Gauteng to vote. There are more than 6 million people who have registered to vote. People need to be able to choose their preferred councillors.”

The premier further said that the right to vote did not come freely as people went to jail while others died while paving the way to democracy.

“For the young generation in particular, I just want to say to them, that the foundations of our democracy has been laid, they have to build the entire house and the roof. This cannot be done by the previous generations, they fought for freedom, the current and new generation must build on this foundation,” he added.


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