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#IMadeMyMark President Cyril Ramaphosa casts his vote in Chiawelo

The president and his first lady cast their vote at Hitekani Primary School.

As Election Day finally arrived, Chiawelo residents, representatives of different political parties, prominent figures and the media made their way to Hitekani primary School where President Cyril Ramaphosa casted his vote this morning.

While the president and his convoy were approaching the voting site at his home township, residents started booing and saying they want proper service delivery.

ALSO READ: #IMadeMyMark: Hostel dwellers show political tolerance on Election Day

“No water, no electricity. Phansi nge corruption phansi. We are watching you, don’t steal the votes, we are tired of the ANC,” said the chanting residents dressed in their preferred political parties regalia.

There was however jubilation from those who were dressed in their ANC regalia.

ALSO READ: The president and his first lady cast their vote at Hitekani Primary School

On arrival, the president was welcomed by the Premier David Makhura, and the executive mayor Mpho Moerane.

The president was accompanied by his wife. When he arrived, he first went to the ANC marquee and greeted the team. He then proceeded to the voting site where he casted his vote along with his wife.

Addressing the media after casting his vote, the president said, “My wife and I have already voted and we are delighted. I am delighted that finally this is the culmination of our election campaign. It’s been a few weeks of real hard work but I’m glad to see that many South Africans are seemingly very excited to exercise their democratic right.”

Speaking to one of the young people who came in to cast their vote, Sydney Mashita said he will not vote for the ruling party because he believes they have failed the community in terms of service delivery.

He recalled how he did not receive good service when he visited the post office located in the community.


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