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Demakwa’s raw talent draws EVAN

Drawings of 11-year-old from Eldorado Park inspires librarian to get involved and gets him signed to Eldo’s Visual Arts Narrators (EVAN).

At the young age of eleven, Brenden Demakwa from Eldorado Park is already attracting many to his art work.

Demakwa explained that he started drawing at the age of four.

“No one taught me, I learnt on my own. My oupa had Dragon Ball Z stickers on the fridge that I use to copy, at first, I didn’t draw it so well but as I practiced it got better. I tried drawing my mother but it did not come out right so then I met another uncle who drew me and the drawing looked exactly like me. After that I started going onto the internet to see more artists work and that’s where I learnt how to shade. One of my friends attends art school so he also taught me how to shade, I just learned more as time went on,” said Demakwa.

Librarian at Delrado Primary, Ylaine Fynn discovered Demakwa’s talent last year when she saw a drawing of him in the office at the school. She explained that she asked who the artist was but no one at school could tell her.

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“When the library eventually reopened this year and the children started coming in again, that’s when I finally found him. I told him that I’ve been looking for him because he clearly has raw talent. When he showed interest in wanting to get more involved in the arts, I then contacted Leoandrè Goeieman from Eldo’s Visual Arts Narrators (EVAN), had a meeting and was happy to hear that EVAN is taking him in. I am very excited to see where he goes with his art,” Fynn added.

As soon as the membership documents are signed, Demakwa will be part of the team of visual artists in Eldorado Park with Goeieman being his mentor. Goeieman said that he was surprised to see such talent at such a young age and knew that the young boy needs to join the team where he can get guidance and learn more. As a mentor Goeieman added that he just hopes that Demakwa can grow and become the animation artist that he wants to be.

Demakwa shared that he really enjoys drawing animation characters, however does not only focus on that type of art. The eleven-year-old has already gotten paid for his drawings of his uncle and a friend’s grandmother.  The young artist is excited to join EVAN and they are happy to have gained such a talented young artist who they can nurture.

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