Orlando West Seventh Day Adventist Church AWM celebrating a community leader

Orlando West Seventh Day Adventist Church AWM held a mini-event on Saturday, June 5 to celebrate Dipuo May who has an NGO that helps her community in Ward 39.

Orlando West Seventh Day Adventist Church AWM held a mini-event on Saturday, June 5 to celebrate Dipuo May who has an NGO that helps her community in Ward 39. They also helped young women who are in dire need of toiletries.

There were female speakers of different ages who are members of the church and in different divisions. The special guests were encouraged to let God take lead in their lives and the church was motivated to help people in the community despite their belief and church status.

They also added that as a church they stand against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) under their initiative called End it Now. Dipuo May award committee, GBV ambassador under community safety which is under MEC Faith Mazibuko, and community leader was honoured for her work in the community. She reviled how she is a GBV survivor and almost died because of her former husband.

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“When I first met my former husband I was young and very pretty, I saw a nice gentleman with shiny shoes. When I got to my marital home, I formed a woman’s club where we bought each other dishes and posts and also supported each other financially when there was a funeral in our homes. The first funeral we had I was six months pregnant and went to go help with peeling vegetables, he fetched me and caused a bit of a scene, I left and when we got home he beat me so badly that I began to bleed,” said May.

She further went on to add that she was rushed to the hospital and had to have an immediate C-section. Her other two children were born the same way. Social workers did intervene but no charges were laid. She ended up leaving. She has 27 stab wounds on her back, this incident landed her in a coma and in a wheelchair which she used for 3 years.

She then started her NGO called Dipuo Adifeli because of how women in the community that she lived in, at Hammanskraal spoke ill of her because of what had happened saying things as he found her in bed with another man.

The NGO has a Green Door Project which helps women who have abused are still experiencing it, they also run a feeding scheme and many other tasks that are beneficial to the ward in her community, because of the commendable works the church decided to celebrate her and give back.

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