Child(3) left to fend for himself in Old Eldorado Park

National Child Protection Week a success in Eldorado Park.

The various Stakeholders within the Greater Eldorado Park once again ensured a successful activation of the National Child Protection Week which officially commenced on Sunday 30 May 2021.

The integrated efforts made by the Eldorado Park SAPS, Child Welfare Services, Comeback Mission, Caitlin Domain Foundation, Department of Correctional Services, National Prosecuting Authority, P.U.S.H, Emergency Management Services, Community Policing Forum, Community Patrollers, Eldorado Park Youth Desk, SANCA, Department of Social Development, LDAC, and COGTA, all gathered at the Eldorado Park SAPS and decorated the Client Service Centre with green balloons, green ribbons, and green cloth, representing their commitment and dedication towards Child Protection.

The purpose of Child Protection Week is to focus on the basic rights of all children living within the communities and South Africa as an entity. It is aimed at highlighting the need to protect children against all forms of neglect and violence.

The Stakeholders ensured to create awareness and thereby proceeded to Eldomaine High School on Monday morning the 31st May 2021. The purpose was to create awareness among the learners regarding their rights and also to remind them about their responsibilities that come with these rights.

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MMC Margeret Arnolds taught the learners about the inappropriate types of conduct, as well as where and who to report the inappropriate conduct to. An anti-bullying campaign was presented to the learners and pamphlets on child abuse, substance abuse, and bullying were distributed to the learners.

The undesirable and illegal items such as knives, dagga, and lighters were confiscated from learners who owned these items. These children were referred to the SAPS and NPA for further law enforcement intervention.

On Wednesday 2 June 2021, the Stakeholders took to the streets and gathered at the Eldorado Park Extension 9 Stadium, and activated the door-to-door campaign within Old Eldorado Park. Approximately one hundred and twenty(120) homes were visited and the visits were welcomed, however certain individuals felt the sting of the operation and started becoming hostile toward the Stakeholders. Fortunately, Eldorado Park SAPS was part of the campaign and managed to get the situation under control thus ensuring a safe and secure campaign. Questionnaires were also distributed to the residents to obtain their suggestions and opinions as well as to conduct follow-ups.

Whilst in Sand Street Old Eldorado Park, it was discovered that a three(3)year old child had been left alone and unattended since Tuesday 1 June 2021. The mother of the minor had allegedly left since and hadn’t returned, leaving the minor to fend for himself. The Child Welfare Services managed to safely remove the neglected three(3)year old and had him placed into a place of safety. Further charges are to be instituted against the mother.

Follow-ups will be conducted for all the cases reported and community members are encouraged to contact Cheryl Pillay on 0614101734 or Liesl Valloo on 0763230506 to report any form of neglect. Let us not forget the 5 P’s of child protection: Prevention, Paramountcy, Partnership, Protection, and Parental Responsibility. The children are our future, let us protect them.

Eldorado Park SAPS encourages all forms of violence against children to be reported immediately. The National Childline can be contacted on their toll-free number on 08000 55555. The kickoff of Child Protection Week which commenced on Sunday 30 May 2021 has proved to be a great success thus far. Let us continue to create awareness, not only until the end of Child Protection Week on 6 June 2021 but on a constant, continuous, and regular basis.

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