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Dumped carcasses cause a horrific environment for residents in extension 2

For years residents from Eldorado Park, Extension 2 have been complaining about the effects of living opposite the landfill on Union Road.

For years residents from Eldorado Park, Extension 2 have been complaining about the effects of living opposite the landfill on Union Road. Recently, those same residents have encountered yet another issue which is making living near the landfill even more unpleasant.

For weeks residents have been smelling what many described as ‘the smell of dead dogs’, however, after a resident went to go see what is causing the smell, they found that there are animal carcasses being dump in the veld next to the landfill.

Three residents were willing to speak out about the issue that is affecting them.

Alvina Tentis who has been living in the area for the last two years explained that it is the second time that animal carcasses have been dumped across the road. “The first time that they dumped was in last month. There are now a lot of big green flies, there’s the sting and we are worried because these flies can carry diseases. We fear for our health. There are also a lot of rats. We expected the water to be off so we filled our buckets the other night just to find the rats swimming in our buckets,” said Tentis.

Another resident who lives across from the veld is Shereen Magardie, the resident explained that she spends a lot of money on pest control products to try and manage the flies that come into her house. She added that at home they always had Sunday lunch with their door open but since the dumping started, they have to close all their doors and windows because of the flies and the smell.

“In all honesty, I would like for the government to intervene and keep this land clean by cutting the grass when it long and to outsource the jobs to the residents of Eldorado Park. Residents won’t dirty where they clean. I believe that all the dumping will stop and if possible, maybe they can fence the area off so no one can dump the animals remains or anything else that takes place here,” said another resident, Debbie Paige.

The residents do not know who is dumping the animal remains but there was a resident who saw a white bakkie with a trailer offloading the animal remains in the veld. Resident suspect that the people who dump there are from a slaughterhouse and dump the carcasses there for residents who live at the informal settlement next to the landfill which locals call ‘Lapland’.

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